
Mataky Autumn Cardigan

Mataky Autumn Mataky Autumn is an elegant cardigan, knitted in 8 ply cotton from Australia’s Bendigo Woollen Mills .  This pattern introduces the knitter to the vintage  Scallop Stitch  which is used to gorgeous effect at the hemline and at the cuffs. Individual scallop stitches add interest to the body of the cardigan, whilst the hemline boasts a pretty contrasting detail. The Mataky Autumn pattern is available now for $1.99 on Ravelry.  To purchase a copy  click here.

Mataky Summer Cardigan

MATAKY SUMMER is a lovely long-line buttonless cardigan with an optional subtle geometric design on the back and front panels. The pattern works up very quickly and has been designed with beginners in mind by using basic single, double, and treble crochet stitches with easy to read text instructions. Specifications include sizing for XS, S, M, L, XL and XXL, along with notes on how to make the garment sleeveless. The pattern for Mataky Summer is available now for $0.99! Please  click here  for more information.